family constellation

Restore the balance in your family roles. Transform your family bonds and achieve your goals.

Family ties, when gone wrong can affect your life adversely. It can show negative effects in areas of life such as finances, marital relationship, leadership roles, motherhood and much more. Fret not! Here’s a way to heal the deep rooted trauma by repositioning the various energies in your family constellation. With Family Constellation Therapy, visit the past of your family members, heal them and restore balance and harmony. Being part of a disturbed/distorted family system manifests in your life as negative emotional patterns, blocks in receiving wealth, problems in married life, feeling stuck, facing dilemmas and substance abuse etc. The therapy transforms the family dynamics by changing the thinking pattern and providing an insight into the issue.

What is a Family Constellation or Systematic Family Constellation

As the name suggests, Family Constellation is a group of members who belong to the same family by birth or relationships. This can also include members who are not alive anymore but have played a significant role in the dynamics amongst these members.


Why does your family constellation matter in your life? As you know we carry many physical traits from our ancestors, these can be both good and bad. We inherit talents such as art and leadership skills from our parents or previous ancestors. In the same way, according to recent research, we inherit their negative emotional traits which could have also arisen from trauma. Especially, in cases where there have been serious accidents, abuse or atrocities, these can manifest in the lives of others in the family lineage. Want to know more details, read the recognized books based on ancestral trauma healing which includes the pioneering work, It Didn’t Start with You by Mark Volynn.


The Family Constellation Therapy was first developed by Bert Hellinger in Germany in the mid 1900s. Presently therapists in around 40 countries practice this healing modality with high positive impact.

Our conscious mind processes the information and also lives in the present. At the same time, there is also another layer which is the subconscious mind which stores our behavioral patterns, our deep beliefs, strong feelings, past traumatic experiences like the negative experiences of childhood. These underlying causes are often suppressed by more recent experiences and so they become difficult to access. However, the subconscious mind is not just about the negative memories and patterns. It is also a storehouse of excellent skills, talents and happiness.


An emotional issue that is troubling you in the present has a root cause in the past. But, It is difficult for you to trace it and solve the issue because of the suppression over the years.


If the subconscious negative patterns can be corrected and turned to positive, one’s life can become tremendously harmonious and joyful. You will also be able to achieve higher success and prosperity in all fields of life like finance, relationship and health.

How it works

Family Constellation Therapy comprises an individual session or group session. Both are equally effective. The therapist/facilitator and the client work together to achieve this by creating the emotional release of whichever family member’s trauma/vows/loyalties/guilt etc. the client has inherited.

This therapy is practiced in a group or individual session. In a group session, the client brings participants (let’s say his close friends/acquaintances who choose to volunteer) to represent the client’s family members. On the other hand, in individual sessions, figurines are used to represent various family members.


In a group session, each member expresses his/her experience in the here and now. The therapist/facilitator makes the participants share their feelings/experiences occasionally during the session. In an individual session, the client himself verbalizes the feelings of each member (represented by the figurines).


The therapist helps the client to interpret the family dynamics by using the regression technique. The emotions are released and the client’s relation to the trauma is transformed.


The therapist/facilitator provides a closure to the issue and energies are healed and released from those who represent them.

Why Family Constellation Therapy?

Family Constellation Therapy is apt for issues that have their roots in family ancestry. These issues did not start with you and so complete healing cannot be achieved without addressing their roots. How do you identify these issues? Well, do you have one or more repeated trouble situations in your life? Those are the areas where you can find help through Family Constellation Therapy. It provides resolution of issues causing anxiety, depression, substance abuse, marital problems, infertility, unexplained physical ailments and others.

Family Constellation Therapy with Archana

Discover the therapeutic benefits of Family Constellation Therapy with Archana.

Certified from Ritu Kabra Family Constellation Therapist, Archana applies proven techniques to heal the client’s ancestral emotional issues.

Archana brings to the table a rich experience of 12+ years in spiritual healing and transformation.

She has guided transformation in individuals across the world with her effective methods and techniques in spiritual healing.

Get customized therapeutic sessions coupled with inner child healing.

Get complete issue resolution with follow-ups.

Get expert advice and sever the trauma bonds.

Let me bust a few common myths

Family Constellation Therapy is beneficial for individuals of any age and family background. It is recommended that you have a therapeutic goal in mind to get the best out of the sessions.
With Family Constellation Therapy, sometimes individuals see results within a short time, while in other cases, they take some more time to happen. But, positive results are bound to happen in this therapy modality.
Family Constellation Therapy heals a wide range of issues such as migraine, anxiety, depression, anger issues, unexplained physical ailments, phobias among many others.
A single session is sufficient for Family Constellation Therapy. It might be accompanied by follow-up sessions if required.
There are no side-effects or drawbacks of Family Constellation Therapy.
Both are equally effective. Whether group or individual therapy suits you depends on yours and your therapist’s convenience.
The therapist is the facilitator of the process. His/her role is to guide the individual to identify, work on and resolve the issues(s).

Are you ready to take your first step towards healing and transformation?

Book a free discovery call with us today to learn more about our healing process and for us to get to know each other .From there you can book a 1:1 session either in person or online.


Join us on this transformative journey towards well being and self discovery.


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